Environmental Factors Affecting Laying Hens

The production performance of laying hens is directly related to the breeding benefits. Many farmers say that automated chicken breeding equipment has also been installed, and epidemic prevention has also been done. Why the egg production peak cannot go up, why chickens get sick, and the death rate remains high, among which environmental factors play […]

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What is better, duck farming or chicken farming?

The choice between duck farming and chicken farming depends on various factors, including personal preferences, market demand, resources, and specific goals. Here are some considerations to help you make an informed decision: 1. Market demand: Research the local market demand for both duck and chicken products. Consider factors such as consumer preferences, pricing, and competition. […]

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Difference between deep litter system and battery cage system

1. Efficiency and space utilization: Battery cage systems are designed to maximize space utilization and provide a controlled environment for efficient egg production. The cages are stacked vertically, allowing for high stocking densities and optimal use of available space. This can be advantageous for commercial operations where maximizing production is a priority. 2. Hygiene and […]

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What is the fastest way to increase broiler chickens weight?

The fastest way to increase broiler chickens’ weight is through proper nutrition and management practices. Here are some tips: 1. High-quality feed: Provide broiler chickens with a nutritionally balanced feed that is high in protein and energy. Commercially available broiler feed is formulated to promote rapid growth. 2. Feed management: Ensure that feed is always […]

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Is poultry farming a profitable business?

Poultry farming can be a profitable business if managed effectively and efficiently. However, several factors can influence the profitability of a poultry farm. Here are some key considerations: 1. Market demand: Assessing the demand for poultry products in your target market is crucial. Determine whether there is a consistent and growing demand for eggs, meat, […]

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